The Mastering Mini-Course

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You need to either log in or create an account to access this course.

Membership is free and gives you access to all mini-courses – so what are you waiting for!? Login or sign up free below.

Q. Are these courses REALLY free?? What’s the catch?

A. Yes, the mini-courses are free, no catch, no obligation to buy anything, just great stuff to help you improve your music :) I understand that not everyone can afford my in-depth trainings, so the free mini-courses are open to anyone with a passion to improve their music. The mini-courses are also a way for you to see what my programs are like so you can decide whether you’d like to invest in one of my complete, in-depth trainings.

Q. How long are the mini courses?

A. About 2 weeks. A new lesson will be unlocked about every 3 days (it’s not every day).

Q. Will I be notified when a new lessons becomes available?

A. Of course! I’ll send you an email whenever a new lesson is released.

Q. Can I sign up for the course without getting the emails?

A. Not at the moment. But, you can very easily stop getting the emails by clicking on the link at the bottom of any of the mini-course emails.

Q.Can I change to a different mini-course once I’ve already started one?

A. Unfortunately not. Once you’ve chosen a mini-course you can’t cancel or change it and you’ll need to wait until it finishes before starting another mini-course. Don’t worry, it’s only a few days!

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