Is audio engineering school really worth it?

Is audio engineering school really worth it? If you’re trying to decide whether going to audio engineering school is worth it or not, let me share my personal experience and break down some of the pros and cons to help you make your decision… 3 I studied audio engineering. Was it worth it? Well, maybe… If you’re trying to decide whether to go or not, I want to share my personal experience with you and also lay out some of the pros and cons of going to audio engineering school so that you can decide whether it’ll be worth it for you or not. Many people go to audio school for the wrong reasons – or, they simply expect something very different. Within the first 2 weeks, about 30% of my class dropped out. Out of all my classmates who completed the course, many went on to pursue careers totally unrelated to the audio industry. Top reasons people decide to go to sound school: They love making music and think it’ll be a fun career. They can’t explain to their parents that they want to be a musician and play in a band full-time (one of my personal reasons for going!) They want to be a famous “producer”. They think it’ll be an easy gap year. They think it’ll get them a good job in the industry. They think they’ll be able to use the studios and gear to record their own music – free studio time baby! Some of these reasons are good, some are a little misguided, and others are just a recipe for wasted time and...
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